What to Do If Your Dentures Are Too Big
If you’re missing teeth, whether because of tooth decay, an accident, or an injury, it’s important to replace them. The absence of just one tooth can shift the other teeth out of place, and missing several teeth can change the entire shape of your face. Dentures are one solution, but unfortunately, dentures can change the shape of your face, too. Sometimes, they’re just ill-fitting to begin with, and other times, you’ll find that dentures too big for your mouth come along with aging. Do you know how to tell if your dentures are too big?

Determining Whether Your Dentures Are Too Big
Sometimes, when your dentures are too big, they can make your mouth look bulky. Most of the time, however, they feel worse than they look. If your dentures are too big or don’t fit together correctly, you may end up with puffy lips or cheeks. This is because a bad bite, caused by ill-fitting dentures, can push your jaw out of position.
Dentures can also become too big over time. How is this possible? For those who are missing natural teeth, a gradual loss of bone in the jaw occurs with aging. When the jawbone shrinks, the gums shrink as well, and the dentures that previously fit the gum ridge well will begin to feel too big.
If the problem is with the thickness of the dentures, it may be painful. Sometimes, the palate of your denture may be made with too much material, and this can cause jaw pain or even Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ). If you notice that your jaw is hurting and the pain increases as the day goes on, this could be the problem. Other problems a too-thick palate can cause are gagging and difficulty speaking.
How To Fix Dentures That Are Too Big
These issues can be solved by saying to your dentist, “My dentures are too thick.” Dentists know how to fix dentures that are too big and will be happy to help you.
One solution to dentures too big for the mouth is relining them. If they’re significantly too big, though, this may not work. In that case, you have the option of replacing them, or you could add dental implants that support the dentures. Of course, another, perhaps better solution is to upgrade entirely to dental implants. Dental implant-based restorations look and function like natural teeth, and they don’t become loose over time.
Contact Tempe Smiles Family Dental Office!
If you live in the Tempe, Arizona area and you need help with your dentures or think implants may be for you, look to the knowledgeable, experienced dentists at Tempe Smiles Family Dental. A full service dental office offering a wide range of comprehensive dental services, we are committed to a whole-mouth approach to dentistry. We provide general and family dentistry, along with cosmetic and restorative dentistry, using contemporary clinical techniques and modern technology to provide comfortable and efficient treatments, delivering gentle, precise care for your entire family. Because we offer all of our treatments in a single office, we can provide our patients with a personalized experience, improved comfort, and excellent results. We’re committed to working with you to ensure you are satisfied with the look and health of your smile. For more information or to request an appointment, call us at 602-830-7500 or contact us through our website.