Famous Teeth Gaps
While they may not be the pinnacle of an ideal smile, midline diastemas, or gapped upper front teeth are very common, and some even consider the gaps beautiful. The French call the condition, “dents du bonheur,” which literally translates to “lucky teeth.” Here’s a list of some of the biggest celebrities with dents du bonheur.

Mike Tyson
“Iron Mike” was one of the most famous boxers in the history of the sport with 50 wins (44 by knockout). Known for being a hard hitter, Tyson holds the record as the youngest boxer to win the WBC, WBA, and IBF heavyweight titles at 20 years old. Tyson’s gapped teeth, and the face tattoo, are part of what makes him so instantly recognizable.
The Material Girl has sold more than 300 million records worldwide during her music career and was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the best-selling female recording artist of all time. Madonna also won a Golden Globe Award for her portrayal of Evita before founding Maverick Records. Back in the 80s and 90s, she was the epitome of glamour while sporting her lucky smile.
Eddie Murphy
Since his four-year stint on Saturday Night Live, Murphy has had so much success at the box office that he’s the 4th-highest grossing actor in the United States. On top of being the star of several live-action films. Murphy has lent his voice to several animated classics, including the Shrek films, where he was the voice of Donkey, the fun-loving, albeit slightly annoying sidekick.
While midline diastemas occur for any number of reasons, they’re not usually a cause for concern in regards to your bite, nor are they necessarily undesirable. If you have “dents du bonheur,” consider it a trait that makes you unique. If it’s time for a dental checkup, make an appointment today!