Can You Cure Tooth Decay?
Can you cure tooth decay? The concept of reversing cavities has long been debated and misunderstood – one simple Google search and you’ll find a plethora of at-home remedies and miracle diets designed to treat your teeth. How much should we really buy into this so-called ‘science’?

Believe it or not, just like every other part of your body, your natural teeth are very much alive. Your pearly whites have their own blood flow and are outfitted with their very own nerves – a tidbit you might have deduced since the first time you bit into something ice cold. Much like a general physician is required in most cases to ensure you maintain quality health, your Tempe Smiles dentist is essential or maintaining your natural teeth.
Traditionally speaking, most forms of advanced tooth decay are irreversible – for now. As dental technologies advance, who knows? Modern practices have come a long way since the days of wooden teeth – most people never dreamed we’d develop oral health care solutions to the level we experience in modern times.
Tooth decay is normally combated by excising the decayed portion of the tooth before it spreads. Removing the decay salvages the natural life of the tooth while ensuring a subsequent infection doesn’t occur in the root – these extreme cavity cases often result in more invasive dental procedures including root canals.
Reversing a cavity is however possible in some cases. In circumstances where the tooth is on the precipice of developing decay, you can win the battle of tug-of-war by employing a few healthy tactics.
Using fluoride helps prevent tooth decay from further progressing – sometimes it’s enough to reverse the very early stages of decay. Fluoride works by preventing mineral loss in the enamel and reducing the ability of bacteria to create acid. Make sure your toothpaste contains fluoride.
Talk to your dentist about sealants, another wonderful weapon against cavities. These small plastic covers shield your natural tooth and help ward off decay.
For more helpful tips, visit the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research site or visit your Tempe Family Dental office.